
There are many programs and opportunities listed below, ranging from $10,000 to $5 million, that can help fund green infrastructure projects. Sorting by project type, funding type or eligible activities will narrow your search and make it easier to see and digest what’s available.

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Prudential Foundation

Project Type: Planning
Funding Type: Private

Funding Amount: Grants up to $1M

Eligible Applicant and Activities
Eligible applicants include: Nonprofit organizations. Focus on Newark and nearby urban centers.

Eligible activities include: Funding for meeting basic needs, connecting people to jobs, building assets, and transforming communities. Prudential works to transform cities and revitalize communities by investing in systems and solutions that address challenges such as poor education outcomes, high crime and disinvestment.

Funding Cycle and Application Deadlines
Not accepting unsolicited proposals. Applicant should make initial contact with a brief letter to determine whether a more detailed proposal would be acceptable.


Phone: 973-802-4791

Address: 751 Broad St
Newark, NJ 07102